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Robert M. Young Online Writings
by Robert M. Young
In recent decades Freud has had a bad press from practically
every direction. He was thought a biological determinist and reductionist by
both the upholders of traditional morality and then by feminists who wanted to
contest the idea that biology is destiny and that not having a penis was an
irreparable disadvantage. My initial encounter with psychoanalysis was as a
first-year undergraduate in 1953 certainly supported this view. My new roommate,
a New Yorker, had been to a grand private school in New England (the equivalent
of an English public school -- called a prep school in America), while I had
been to a state school in Texas. He hooted when he learned that I had not heard
of Freud or psychoanalysis: ‘He’s the guy who says everything is sex; all
neckties are dicks, and all doorways are cunts.’ I confess that it made a kind
of instant sense to me. When I began to read Freud for myself a couple of years
later I had little reason to think again about this characterization of sex as
basic to all human relations and its symbolism as ubiquitous.
Now, nearly half a century later, I cannot imagine myself
thinking that way or characterising psychoanalysis in those terms. The concept
of libido, which meant sex drive to me then, means something as wide as negative
entropy to me now. (Entropy is a concept in thermodynamics indicating the
tendency of systems to disorganise, for their energy to run down to equilibrium;
negative entropy characterises energised, complex, relatively organised
systems.) The libido theory, which I will sketch anon, is out of fashion in most
quarters and has been replaced by object relations theory. In the great Freudian
triad of instinct, aim and object, the emphasis has shifted decisively from aim
to object, and the mental representations of instincts are to the fore rather
than their biological roots. Indeed, one of the founders of object relations
theory, Ronald Fairbairn, went so far to say that libidinal attitudes do not
determine object relations. On the contrary, object relations determine
libidinal attitudes (Greenberg & Mitchell, 1983, p. 137). One way to
characterise the change is that what was once rooted in biology has come to be
grounded in relationships; what was focused on sexual areas -- erogenous zones
-- is now focused on the unconscious phantasies in the inner world. In some
circles the privileging of certain body parts in Freudian theory has been
replaced by a claim that any part of the body, any function, anything at all can
be the legitimate focus of sexual preoccupation, excitement and gratification.
Still others (e.g., O’Connor and Ryan, 1993, p. 246) seek to root out all
naturalism from sexual identity, orientation and behaviour.
Don’t get me wrong. Sexuality, sexual parts, erogenous zones
and phases of psychosexual development have not been purged from psychoanalytic
theory. The most helpful thing that can be said is that they have moved from the
foreground to the background. My approach to sketching the history of
psychoanalytic ideas of psychosexual development is to try to ‘locate’ Freud’s
thinking and then to show how other psychoanalytic ideas have stretched his
ideas, while still others have broken with them -- with the consequence that
sexuality has been progressively relocated.
One feature of the libido theory has, in certain quarters,
been placed under critical scrutiny: the centrality of the Oedipus complex in
psychosexual and moral development. There are those -- I am not among them --
who seek to discard any notion that there is a privileged path of development
which we must all pass through if we are to attain maturity. They also reject
the claim that failure successfully to negotiate the Oedipus complex is certain
to land one in psychological trouble. On this matter there can be no compromise
as far as Freudians are concerned. Freud called the Oedipus complex, the painful
working out (from about three and a half to five years in childhood) of
psychosexual relations between the child and the parents, 'the core complex' or
the nuclear complex of every neurosis. In a footnote added to the 1920 edition
of Three Essays on Sexuality, he made it clear that the Oedipus complex is the
immovable foundation stone on which the whole edifice of psychoanalysis is
based: ' It has justly been said that the Oedipus complex is the nuclear complex
of the neuroses, and constitutes the essential part of their content. It
represents the peak of infantile sexuality, which, through its after-effects,
exercises a decisive influence on the sexuality of adults. Every new arrival on
this planet is faced with the task of mastering the Oedipus complex; anyone who
fails to do so falls a victim to neurosis. With the progress of psycho-analytic
studies the importance of the Oedipus complex has become more and more clearly
evident; its recognition has become the shibboleth that distinguishes the
adherents of psycho-analysis from its opponents' (Freud, 1905, p. 226n).
No compromise is possible with respect to the significance of
the Oedipus complex, then. However, if you read the Three Essays on the Theory
of Sexuality with an open mind, Freud’s ideas about sexuality come across as
rather more liberal and tolerant of aberration than many of his critics
represent them as being. For example, the first essay is not about normality but
about sexual aberrations. The second essay is about infantile sexuality, and the
third is about puberty. You could say that normal adult sex comes last. Indeed,
‘The Finding of an Object’ of one’s affections turns up in the very last section
of the third and last essay. You could say that normal love is something reached
by a circuitous path from polymorphous perversity through a series of fixations
and incestuous wishes, eventually renounced, although the girl does not finally
sort out hers until she has a child, i.e., a symbolic substitute penis. (Nagera,
1981, pp. 67-72; Klein, 1928, 1945, pp. 50 sqq.. and 72-74).
In the first essay Freud stresses just how wide the range of
human sexual behaviour is. His is not a rigid position. He says quite
straightforwardly that everyone is to some extent a deviant. Freud wrote, 'No
healthy person, it appears, can fail to make some addition that might be called
perverse to the normal sexual aim; and the universality of this finding is in
itself enough to show how inappropriate it is to use the word perversion as a
term of reproach. In the sphere of sexual life we are brought up against
peculiar, and, indeed, insoluble difficulties as soon as we try to draw a sharp
line to distinguish mere variations within the range of what is physiological
from pathological symptoms' (Freud, 1905, pp. 160-61). This allows for quite a
lot of latitude, but there is still a definite limit. His model is one of norm
and deviation – deviation up to a point, but you are supposed to get back onto
the appropriate path in the end. There were definite taboos, as well. According
to Freud, it was a perversion if the lips or tongue of one person came into
contact with the genitals of another or if one lingered over aspects of foreplay
which, as he quaintly put it, 'should normally be traversed rapidly on the path
towards the final sexual aim’ (Freud, 1905, pp. 151, 150; cf. p. 211). He
regarded 'any established aberration from normal sexuality as an instance of
developmental inhibition and infantilism' (Freud, 1905, p. 231). On the other
hand, contrary to what many Freudians believe, Freud did not himself regard
homosexuality or perversion as illnesses (Abelove, 1986, pp. 59, 60).
So, although Freud was adamant about the Oedipus complex, he
was somewhat flexible about sexual behaviour and allowed for a degree of
deviance. What, then, is Freudian orthodoxy with respect to sexual development?
You can read straightforward accounts of this in Humberto Nagera’s Basic
Psychoanalytic Concepts: The Libido Theory (1981), which claims to include every
reference Freud made to this matter, and in Phyllis and Robert Tyson’s
Psychoanalytic Theories of Development: An Integration (1990). If we want to
locate Freud in a wide spectrum of theories, we would have to say that he is
toward the fixed or biologically determinist end of the spectrum. At this end of
the spectrum we encounter the findings of ethologists and the claims of the
sociobiologists (Wilson, 1975, 1978). Among the most startling discoveries of
the science of animal behaviour are the highly ritualised mating patterns of
practically all subhuman species, replete with innately determined releasers,
fixed patterns, displays. Biology is veritably destiny, whether one is observing
fighting fish, spiders, greylag geese, peacocks, walruses, elk or chimpanzees.
Students of human behaviour from an ethological point of view claim to detect
similar patterns and rituals, biologically determined at base but varied and
flexible in expression -- so much so that much of our money gets spent on
artificial adornments, cosmetics, ways of altering the odours we give off, means
of affecting our shape and appearance so as to continue to appear youthful and
sexually alluring. Human ethologists and sociobiologists claim that there is no
discontinuity between animal sexual determinism and human.
I will now offer a summary of Freudian orthodoxy on human
psychosexual development. It starts with a definite developmental scheme, as
modified and enriched by Karl Abraham and, some would say, Erik Erikson. We
begin with primary narcissism and pass through psychosexual phases, in which the
child is preoccupied with successive erogenous zones -- oral, anal, phallic and
genital (oral for the first year and a half, anal for the next year and a half
and phallic beginning toward the close of the third year. See Brenner, 1973, p.
26 and Meltzer, 1973, pp. 21-27). As I have said, the classical Oedipal period
is ages three and a half to six (some say five). This leads on to the formation
of the superego and a period of relative latency, during which boys are
quintessentially boyish and horrid, with their bikes, hobbies and play, and
girls are sugar and spice and everything nice, playing nurse and mommy (or so it
is said; cf. Chodorow, 1978). There are zones of variation and various
subdivisions within this framework, but its basis is as determined as any
analogous developmental scheme in any other part of the animal kingdom. At the
earlier end of the scheme Abraham offers some quite detailed subdivisions of the
basic phases, e.g., anal retentive and anal expulsive (Abraham, 1924). Things
get fraught again in adolescence when biological changes coincide with agonising
problems about gender identity (Waddell, 1992, esp. pp. 9-10), sexual
exploration and maturation, conflict with parents, competitiveness and
achievement. Erik Erikson spells out a further set of stages, beginning with a
psychosocial moratorium in late adolescence, followed by young adulthood,
adulthood and mature age, the last of which he characterises as a period in
which the central conflict is between integrity, on the one hand, and disgust
and despair, on the other.(Erikson, 1959, p. 120).
The classical Freudian scheme defines 'normal' as remaining
within this chronological developmental framework. If you miss out a phase or
fail to move on from one or try to skip one and miss out a developmental task,
you are liable to fixation and perversion or even to psychosis. A common
definition of perversion is pseudo-maturity, gaining sexual gratification from a
substitute object because one is afraid of the appropriate, mature one.
According to Robert Stoller (1986), all perversions involve immaturity and all
are aggressive. He calls perversion 'the erotic form of hatred' but claims that
every perversion, like every neurosis, is a compromise involving holding onto
some connection with a mature object. Chasseguet Smirgel (1985) dwells on the
putative pervert's attempt to substitute an immature sexual organ for a grown-up
one, and describes the dishonesty of trying to pass a little penis off for a
daddy one, without bearing the pain of passing through the Oedipus complex and
coming to terms with one's limitations and ambivalence. Limentani (1989) breaks
homosexuality into three categories — a situational behaviour which goes away
after one leaves, for example, school, the navy or prison; a pseudo-homosexual
one which is focused on fear of women and of castration; and true homosexuality,
which is a defence against psychotic breakdown and which one approaches
psychotherapeutically at one's peril. This completes my exposition of Freudian
I want now to turn to developments in psychoanalysis and in
broader debates about sexuality which have challenged this orthodoxy and which
have led many to relocate sexuality in psychoanalytic theory. The key claim is
that the relevant framework for considering these issues is that sexuality is
inside the symbolic order, not purely an expression of instinctual needs.
Biological determinants are not wholly cast aside, but the rigidity of their
determining role is greatly reduced. More space is claimed for a range of sexual
needs, feelings and practices — a range which is as broad as symbolism, rather
than as narrow as instinctual determinism. At one level, all but the most
conservative and fundamentalists moralists and religious zealots concede
something to this way of thinking. It is now a commonplace that sexuality has a
history, that is, it is inside the contingency of culture, not merely fixed and
innate in a stereotyped way. To place it inside history is to grant a lot to the
dissidents. In my own lifetime and my own sexual history there have been
important changes in all sorts of areas. Things which were taboo when I was a
boy are now commonplace, starting with public discussion of sex, including
programmes on the radio and television and sex books prominently displayed in
all book shops. In the writings of Alex Comfort (1950, 1972, 1975) and others,
foreplay has been extended indefinitely, and the boundary between exploration
and abnormality has been blurred.
As I write about these things I am moving into the domain of
‘plastic sexuality’, a phrase drawn from the writings of Anthony Giddens, whose
book The Transformation of Intimacy (1992), provides a useful perspective on the
changes which we are in the midst of. I do not feel altogether comfortable with
the degree of relativism involved in this way of thinking, but I have no doubt
that this is a useful way of summarising the current debate in culture and in
psychoanalysis. Defenders of plastic sexuality attack the boundary between the
normal and the abnormal or perverse. They argue that the statistically normal
should no longer be confused with medical and moral categories. Indeed, new
statistics are put forward by the advocates of greater latitude. For example, it
is claimed that 40% or more of married men in the United States have regular sex
with other men at some point in their married lives (p. 146). As Giddens puts
it, 'Plastic sexuality might become a sphere which no longer contains the
detritus of external compulsions, but instead takes its place as one among other
forms of self-exploration and moral constitution' (p. 144). Sex is no longer
confined to certain sorts of relationships; the rule of the phallus and power
relations are subverted (pp. 140, 147). ' The "biological justification" for
heterosexuality as "normal", it might be argued, has fallen apart. What used to
be called perversions are merely ways in which sexuality can legitimately be
expressed and self-identity defined. Recognition of diverse sexual proclivities
corresponds to acceptance of a plurality of possible life-styles... "normal
sexuality" is simply one type of life-style among others' (p. 179). Giddens
calls this a 'radical pluralism' (ibid.).
Looking at the cultural and philosophical dimensions of the
debate, he concludes that this 'incipient replacement of perversion by pluralism
is part of a broad-based set of changes integral to the expansion of modernity.
Modernity is associated with the socialisation of the natural world — the
progressive replacement of structures and events that were external parameters
of human activity by socially organised processes. Not only social life itself,
but what used to be "nature" becomes dominated by socially organised systems.
Reproduction was once a part of nature, and heterosexual activity was inevitably
its focal point. Once sexuality has become an "integral" component of social
relations... heterosexuality is no longer a standard by which everything else is
judged. We have not yet reached a stage in which heterosexuality is accepted as
only one taste among others, but such is the implication of the socialisation of
reproduction' (p. 34). He is right about the changes in social and philosophical
theory, and one point at issue — a profound one — is whether being right about
what is happening in history is more or less fundamental than what is claimed
about nature. The tradition he is describing asserts that nature is a societal
category, that truth is made, not found and that our ideas of nature, including
those about human nature, are social constructs. People who think this way are
called ‘social constructivists’ if you agree with them and ‘relativists’ if you
don’t (Young, 1992).
Certain broad — and other particular — developments in
psychoanalysis can be seen as compatible with this approach to sexuality. The
broad movement is the decline in adherence to biologism and the classical libido
theory and the rise of object relations theory. Object relations theory
developed in the work of Melanie Klein, Ronald Fairbairn and Donald Winnicott
(Greenberg and Mitchell, 1983). There are important differences between their
formulations. For example, Fairbairn was explicitly turning his back on biology
in a way which Klein did not. But the effect on psychoanalytic thinking was to
point to relations with the good and bad aspects of the mother and other
important figures and part-objects and to treat relations with objects in the
inner world, rather than the expression of instincts, as the basic preoccupation
of psychoanalytic thinking and clinical work. The focus is on relations rather
than drives, on 'the object of my affection [who] can change my complexion from
white to rosy red' (as the song says), rather than the aim of the instinct as
specified in a biologistic metapsychology (Greenberg and Mitchell, 1983, p.
126). Once you do this, sex, sexuality and sexual energy no longer provide
either the rhetoric or the conceptual framework for how we think about the inner
world. Love, hatred, unconscious phantasy, anxiety and defences have come to the
foreground (p. 137). As I mentioned above, for Freud, 'sexual' was all-embracing
and meant any attribute of living tissue expressing negative entropy. This is
what he meant by 'libido' (Stoller, 1986, p. 12). Object relations theorists
approach the matter the other way round: libido is not seen as pleasure-seeking
but object-seeking (Greenberg and Mitchell, 1983, p. 154). It has been my recent
experience that sex in its narrow sense plays a surprisingly small role in
psychotherapy training and supervision and the literature. Indeed, some years
ago I went to a public lecture by a psychoanalyst, Dr. Dennis Duncan, with the
title 'What Ever Happened to Sex in Psychoanalysis?'.
Along with the turn away from the libido theory has come less
attention devoted to the psychosexual developmental scheme and fairly strict
chronology which it specified. If you read Klein and her followers, you find
phrases like 'oral, anal and phallic elements' jumbled up and part of a pot-pourri.
What emerged later in the orthodox Freudian scheme at specified developmental
and chronological points in the libido theory, somehow gets mixed in at an
earlier stage in Klein's approach.
I now want to say something about alternative developmental
paths. Some of the most interesting writers in this debate make this their most
important point: 'What's so wonderful about the developmental path specified by
the libido theory?' In asking this question they are attacking the centrality of
the Oedipus complex in orthodox Freudianism. They write in explicit opposition
to the Freudian Law of the Father on which the importance of the Oedipus complex
is based (Fletcher, 1989, p. 113) As the gay theorist John Fletcher puts it,
'What is refused here is not masculinity or the phallus in itself, but the
polarity at the heart of the Oedipal injunction: "You cannot be what you desire,
you cannot desire what you wish to be." (p. 114). What the Freudians claim as
natural is what the sexual dissidents attack as a cultural norm to be struggled
against. They argue for a re-symbolisation and re-investment in a new kind of
Support for this approach is found in the writings of the
eminent French psychoanalyst, Jean Laplanche, co-author of the standard work
defining psychoanalytic concepts, The Language of Psycho-analysis (Laplanche and
Pontalis, 1973). The list of erogenous zones specified by the libido theory is
accepted: mouth, anus, urethra, genitals. However, they are described less
biologistically as places of exchange between inside and outside (Fletcher,
1989, p. 96). However, any bodily zone can take on a sexual level of excitement,
as can ideas. The traditional understanding of perversion is an alteration or
deviation from the fixed, biologically determined order of privileged zones,
culminating in genital intercourse to orgasm. But if we refuse to accept this
spontaneous unfolding of a unitary instinctual programme, sexuality itself can
be seen as polymorphous and therefore, to put it ironically, perverse. Laplanche
expresses this starkly by saying that 'the exception - i.e., the perversion -
ends up by taking the rule along with it. The exception, which should presuppose
the existence of a definite instinct, a pre-existent sexual function, with its
well-defined norms of accomplishment: that exception ends up by undermining and
destroying the very notion of a biological norm. The whole of sexuality, or at
least the whole of infantile sexuality, ends up becoming perversion' (Laplanche,
1970, p. 23).
Fletcher puts this in symbolic terms, terms which increase
the range, scope and flexibility of sexuality: 'The whole of sexuality as a
mobile field of displaceable and substitutable signs and mental representations
is a perversion of the order of biological needs and fixed objects (Fletcher,
1989, pp. 98-9). If perversion is ubiquitous, it cannot be called exceptional;
it is commonplace, the rule, normal: hence ‘“perversion” as “normal”’, and the
pejorative connotations of the term become obsolete.
Writing about bisexuality and lesbianism, Beverly Burch takes
a similarly line in opposition to biologism and in favour social constructivism.
She says that 'Lesbianism and heterosexual identities are social constructs that
incorporate psychological elements' (Burch, 1993, pp. 84-85). These differ from
one woman to another and have manifestations and sources as varied as individual
biographies. ‘The unity of heterosexual theory does not live up to the diversity
of sexual orientations' (p. 85). She places sexual orientations on a continuum
and argues that any point on it might be defensive; 'no position is necessarily
or inevitably pathological' (p. 91). She surveys the literature and finds a
relativism of theory to match her relativism of developmental pathways: 'The
point is that no one view is complete, and there are divergent routes on the way
to final object choice. The road is not a straight one toward heterosexuality,
and we cannot regard other destinations as a wrong turn' (p. 97)
Writers on these issues draw different lines between what
they consider pathological and what they treat as merely human diversity. As I
said, Robert Stoller defines perversion as 'the erotic form of hatred' and
offers critical analyses of fetishism, rape, sex murder, sadism, masochism,
voyeurism, paedophilia. He sees in each of these 'hostility, revenge, triumph
and a dehumanised object' (Stoller, 1986, p. 9). On the subject of
homosexuality, however, he is a champion of pluralism: ' What evidence is there
that heterosexuality is less complicated than homosexuality, less a product of
infantile-childhood struggles to master trauma, conflict, frustration, and the
like? As a result of innumerable analyses, the burden of proof... has shifted to
those who use the heterosexual as the standard of health, normality, mature
genital characterhood, or whatever other ambiguous criterion serves one's
philosophy these days... Thus far, the counting, if it is done from published
reports puts the heterosexual and the homosexual in a tie: 100 percent abnormals'
(Stoller, 1985, quoted in Burch, 1993, p. 97)' Another gem from Stoller: 'Beware
the concept "normal," It is beyond the reach of objectivity. It tries to connote
statistical validity but hides brute judgments on social and private goodness
that, if admitted, would promote honesty and modesty we do not yet have in
patriots, lawmakers, psychoanalysts and philosophers' (Stoller, 1985, p.41,
quoted in Burch, 1993, p. 98).
The extreme point in this debate in psychoanalytic theory is
that of certain lesbian theoreticians on gender identity who have reached the
point, as we have seen, where they can claim that the exceptions overwhelm the
rule and can put forward the long-term goal of ‘eschewing all forms of
naturalism in psychoanalytic thinking’ (O’Connor and Ryan, 1993, p. 246).
Wouldn't that be a lovely note on which to end?
Unfortunately, my own sense of reality is not that optimistic, ringing and tidy.
It would be convenient to argue that abandoning the bad old libido theory and
embracing object relations and social constructivism combine to hold out hope of
a new pluralistic consensus in psychoanalytic theory and in cultural and moral
norms. Alas, I don't think it does, and the fly in the ointment is recent
Kleinian ideas about the Oedipus complex. This may not trouble those convinced
by the line of argument I have just been spelling out, but it troubles me,
because I cannot square what I have written so far with what I write below. I
wish I could, but I can't.
Kleinians, as we have seen, go along with the tendency to
abandon strict adherence to the chronology of the libido theory. Indeed, Klein's
assertion that she had found the superego operating years earlier in the
development of the child than Freudians thought it existed was the most obvious
bone of contention in the heated controversies which culminated in the famous or
infamous (depending on how you feel about such rows) 'controversial discussions'
between Kleinians and Freudians at the British Psycho-analytical Society from
1941 to 1945 (King and Steiner, 1991). I am not trying to draw you into an
esoteric spat. I think they were right to be so exercised. I think this, because
I think two importantly different views of human nature and the basis of
morality were in play and that how we think about sexuality and, indeed,
civility and civilisation may very well hang on what we decide about these
Put very simply, as we have seen, the Freudians claimed that
development consisted of a set of preordained tasks which one came upon at
biologically predetermined stages on life's way. There is a sense that one can
complete a developmental task and have its fruits under one's belt, as it were.
The advocates of plastic sexuality reject this idea of human nature and
development and argue for a plurality of paths and destinations or objects, and
the Freudians deny them this postmodernist supermarket of satisfactions.
At first glance there is a
similarity between the advocates of plastic sexuality and Kleinian ideas.
Kleinians slide all round the chronology. It has been cogently argued by Ruth
Stein that they don't even have a theory of psychic structures but rely
fundamentally on a set of 'core feelings and nuclear affective structures'
(Stein, 1990, p. 504), in particular, the paranoid-schizoid and depressive
positions. But what Kleinians appear to give with one hand — slipping all over
the chronology and eschewing a basic set of mental structures — they take back
with the other. That is, the Oedipus complex may not be the centrepiece of
development at say, three and a half to six, reprised at adolescence. Instead,
under the name 'Oedipal constellation', this hurdle reappears at every important
point in life when one is faced with crises and moral dilemmas. According to
Kleinian psychoanalysis, the struggle between love and hate is unresolveable and
recurrently centres on the Oedipal triangle. Indeed, far from being something
one can refuse a la Fletcher's rhetoric about the normality of polymorphousness,
it becomes a precondition for being a responsible person who can love and make
moral and intellectual judgments of a profound kind and be capable of integrated
insights and deep concern for others.
As the Kleinian analyst David Bell puts it, 'The primitive
Oedipal conflict described by Klein takes place in the paranoid-schizoid
position when the infant's world is widely split and relations are mainly to
part objects. This means that any object which threatens the exclusive
possession of the idealised breast/mother is felt as a persecutor and has
projected into it all the hostile feelings deriving from pregenital impulses'
(Bell, 1992, p. 172)
If development proceeds satisfactorily, secure relations with
good internal objects leads to integration, healing of splits and taking back
projections. 'The mother is then, so to speak, free to be involved with a third
object in a loving intercourse which, instead of being a threat, becomes the
foundation of a secure relation to internal and external reality. The capacity
to represent internally the loving intercourse between the parents as whole
objects results, through the ensuing identifications, in the capacity for full
genital maturity. For Klein, the resolution of the Oedipus complex and the
achievement of the depressive position refer to the same phenomena viewed from
different perspectives' (ibid.). Another Kleinian, Ronald Britton, puts it very
elegantly: 'the two situations are inextricably intertwined in such a way that
one cannot be resolved without the other: we resolve the Oedipus complex by
working through the depressive position and the depressive position by working
through the Oedipus complex' (Britton, 1992, p. 35). Hence, the ability to
tolerate the mixture which is life, to be concerned with whole objects and to
integrate experience and make reparation are the fruits of negotiating the
Oedipal triangle.
That provides a key to translating between the Freudian and
Kleinian conceptual schemes? In the work of post-Kleinians this way of thinking
has been applied to broader issues, in particular, the ability to symbolise and
learn from experience. Integration of the depressive position, which we can now
see as resolution of the Oedipus complex is the sine qua non of the development
of 'a capacity for symbol formation and rational thought' (p. 37). Greater
knowledge of the object 'includes awareness of its continuity of existence in
time and space and also therefore of the other relationships of the object
implied by that realisation. The Oedipus situation exemplifies that knowledge.
Hence the depressive position cannot be worked through without working through
the Oedipus complex and vice versa' (p. 39). Once again, Britton also sees 'the
depressive position and the Oedipus situation as never finished but as having to
be re-worked in each new life situation, at each stage of development, and with
each major addition to experience or knowledge' (p. 38).
This way of looking at the Oedipal situation offers a very
attractive, even profound, way of thinking of self-knowledge or insight: 'The
primal family triangle provides the child with two links connecting him
separately with each parent and confronts him with the link between them which
excludes him. Initially this parental link is conceived in primitive part-object
terms and in the modes of his own oral, anal and genital desires, and in terms
of his hatred expressed in oral, anal and genital terms. If the link between the
parents perceived in love and hate can be tolerated in the child's mind, it
provides him with a prototype for an object relationship of a third kind in
which he is a witness and not a participant. A third position then comes into
existence from which object relationships can be observed. Given this, we can
also envisage being observed. This provides us with a capacity for seeing
ourselves in interaction with others and for entertaining another point of view
whilst retaining our own, for reflecting on ourselves whilst being ourselves'
(Britton, 1989, p. 87
I am going to leave it here. If it were not for Klein and
recent developments of the Kleinian way of thinking, I believe plastic sexuality
might have relatively plain sailing. But the point of view I have just outlined
says as starkly as any orthodox Freudian ever did that the problem posed by the
Oedipal triangle cannot be evaded if one is to become a person capable of
profound thoughts and concern for others. This recalls the intolerance of
Chasseguet-Smirgel's Freudian orthodoxy, whereby the creations of perverts (a
term she insists on using) could only be pseudo-creations.
This dilemma between the developing credibility of pluralism,
on the one hand, and Kleinian thinking, on the other, is a stark one. Freud said
in 1903, 'I advocate the standpoint that the homosexual does not belong before
the tribunal of a court of law. I am even of the firm conviction that
homosexuals must not be treated as sick people, for a perverse orientation is
far from being a sickness. Wouldn't that oblige us to characterise as sick many
great thinkers and scholars whom we admire precisely because of their mental
health?' (quoted in Abelove, 1986, p. 60).
Freud is making a very basic point. Are we to so pathologise
the character and creations of Oscar Wilde, Benjamin Britten, Francis Bacon,
Ludwig Wittgenstein, E. M. Forster, Christopher Isherwood, Vita Sackville-West,
David Hockney, Jean Genet, Colette, Gertrude Stein, Michelangelo, Marcel Proust,
Rock Hudson, Randolph Scott, Tyrone Power, Robert Ryan, Cary Grant, John Gielgud,
Laurence Olivier, W. H. Auden, K. D. Lang, Tennessee Williams, William
Burroughs, James Baldwin, Simone de Beauvoir, Roman Polansky, Derek Jarman,
Michael Jackson, Charles Laughton, Marlene Dietrich, Michel Foucault, Alan
Turing, Alfred Hitchcock, Socrates?
In closing, I can only pose the dilemma and offer it as food
for thought. Psychoanalysis has come a long way from the classical Freudian
concept of sexuality by way of the object relations tradition and developments
in cultural norms. On the other hand, plastic sexuality and the Kleinian concept
of maturity, as defined in the depressive position, don’t mix, though I dare say
that enlightened Kleinians may one day re-think their position, one which
currently leads to an illiberal clash. Something called ‘perversion’ may be
normal for gays, lesbians, Laplanchians and some avant garde sociologists, but
it’s still neurotic for orthodox Kleinians. It is clear that concepts of
sexuality and gender are no longer moored to the biological reductionism of the
libido theory of the original Freudian concept of sexuality. However, it remains
unclear where, if at all, these debates will settle. It appears that they are
permanently on the move, that is, that they are historical -- both in theory and
in practice -- rather than purely biological.
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Copyright: The Author
Address for correspondence: 26 Freegrove Road, London N7 9RQ