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Robert M. Young Online Writings
by Robert M. Young
The scientific controversies surrounding the theory of evolution in the
nineteenth century were primarily concerned with the interpretation of the geological,
paleontological, and biological evidence. The public debate, on the other hand, centered
above all on man's place in nature and the implications of evolution for the immortal
soul, the mind, and it organ, the brain. It is somewhat surprising to find that the
writings of historians and indeed of Darwin himself fail to pay close attention to the
effects of the theory of evolution on the study of mind and brain. If we do turn our
attention directly to this topic, we find that the major nineteenth century figures are Herbert Spencer, John Hughlings
Jackson, and George J.
Romanes. In this brief paper I want
to confine my attention to the development and influence of Spencer's concept of
evolution. Unlike Darwin, Spencer was never much of an observer or indeed a reader, and
his independent formulation of a theory of evolution developed from his speculations in
social theory and psychology. The idea of evolution itself was not, of course, original.
He was converted to a belief in the so-called "development hypothesis" by
reading Charles Lyell, whose supposed refutation of Lamarck led Spencer to the opposite
conclusion. Spencer also took part in the debates surrounding the anonymous Vestiges of
the Natural History of Creation (1844) and discussed this book with T. H. Huxley, who
later said of the period 18511858, "...the only person known to me whose
knowledge and capacity compelled respect, and who was, at the same time, a through-going
evolutionist, was Mr. Herbert Spencer... Many and prolonged were the battles we fought on
this topic. But even my friend's rare dialectic skill and copiousness of apt illustration
could not drive me from my agnostic position." l What was original and interesting about Spencers theory
1 FRANCIS DARWIN (Ed.), The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, 3rd
ed. London, Murray, 1887, vol. II, p. 188.
three-fold: the traditions on which it drew, the areas in which he
applied it, and the tenacity with which he clung to belief in the inheritance of acquired
characteristics. I want to point out that the origins, applications and influences of
Spencer's evolutionism were not only different from those of Darwin but that they were
also more significant for the development of our conception of mind and brain.
Spencer's first serious intellectual endeavours were devoted to the
study of phrenology, and it was from phrenology that he drew the conception of society as
an organism in which interdependent, specialized structures serve diverse functions.
Similarly, his concept of the adaptation of the faculties of men to their organic,
psychological and social needs was based on a phrenological view of man. These ideas were
used as the basis of his attempt to refute Utilitarian social and ethical theory in his
first book, Social Statics (1851), and he later reflected that two passages in that
work were "the earliest foreshadowing of the general doctrine of Evolution.~ 2 In the next two years his
reflections on odd phrases encountered in his desultory reading led him to generalize his
evolutionism from organic phenomena to embrace absolutely everything.3 He declared his advocacy of
"The Development Hypothesis" in an article which appeared in 1852, and these
ideas were then developed further until they became the universal formula which appeared
in his First Principles (1862).4 Rather than pursue the development of this rather fruitless cosmic
cliché, I want to turn to the application of evolution to psychology.5
The second tradition which played an important part in Spencer's
thinking was the theory of the association of ideas. Associationism is the
2 DAVID DUNCAN, (Ed.): The Life and Letters of Herbert Spencer, London,
Methuen, 1908, p. 541; Cf. HERBERT SPENCER, Social Statics Abridged and Revised;
together with the Man versus the State, London, Williams & Norgate, 1892, pp. 120n
& 266n.
3 The first phrase was from Henri Milne-Edwards: "the
physiological division of labour" (D. DUNCAN, op. cit., p. 542; Cf. H.
SPENCER, An Autobiography, London, Williams & Norgate, 1904, vol. II, p. 166).
The second appeared in William Carpenter's exposition of a formula devised by Karl Ernst
von Baer: "the development of every organism as a change from homogeneity to
heterogeneity" (H. SPENCER, op. sit., 1904, vol. II, pp. 89, 166).
4 Spencer's essay on "The Development Hypothesis" is
mentioned by Darwin in the "Historical Sketch" which he added to later editions
of the Origins. Spencer fussed with his (basically vacuous) general formula until
the galley stage of the sixth edition of First Principles, London, Williams &
Norgate., 1900, p. 321.
5 I should like to note in passing that the influence of phrenology on
the early evolutionists and Victorian psychologists merits careful study. Robert Chambers,
Spencer, A. R. Wallace, and Alexander Bain all owed significant intellectual debts to
phrenology. This influence helps one to understand, e.g., Wallaces aberrant views on
the evolution of mind and brain.
only serious alternative to belief in innate ideas that has been
proposed. It is based on two assumptions:
1 ) that complex mental phenomena are formed from simple sensations,
2) that this occurs by means of habit or repetition.
Modern Associationism began as an afterthought in Locke's Essay and
was developed by David Hartley into a comprehensive explanatory principle in psychology. 6 By the nineteenth century it had
become the reigning psychological theory. Its modern form is the theory of conditioning of
stimulus-response psychology, and it also provides the associationist principle in
psychoanalysis. Thus, Associationism remains the basic assumption of psychological theory.
In one sense, Spencer's psychology of evolutionary associationism was a
simple synthesis of "use inheritance" and the law of association. As he put it,
"The familiar doctrine of association here undergoes a great extension; for it is
held that not only in the individual do ideas become connected when in experience the
things producing them have repeatedly occurred together, but that such results of repeated
occurrences accumulate in successions of individuals: the effects of associations are
supposed to be transmitted as modifications of the nervous system." 7 That is, Spencer's psychology
extends the theory of association from the tabula rasa of the individual to that of
the race. What was novel in Spencer's view of psychological evolution was the implication
which he took it to have for the place of mind in nature. When he was making notes for The
Principles of Psychology in 1853, he was struck by the importance of adaptation for
mental as well as bodily life.8 "There at once followed the idea that the growth of a correspondence
between inner and outer actions had to be traced up from the beginning; so as to show the
way in which Mind gradually evolves out of Life. This was, I think, the thought which
originated the book and gave it its most distinctive character;..."9 Thus, two ideas were at the heart
of his psychology: first, the continuity of all mental phenomena extending from the
first contractions of a sensitive polyp to the evolution of the forms
6 Book II, chapter XXXIII was added to the 4th edition of Locke's Essay.
Cf. D. HARTLEY, Observations on Man, His Frame, His Duty and His Expectations, 2
vols., London, Leake & Frederick, 1749.
7 H. SPENCER, op. cit., 1904, vol. I, p. 470. The union of use
inheritance with associationism was not, however, an entirely new idea. Erasmus Darwin had
extended Hartley's theory to provide the basis for an evolutionary theory over half a
century earlier.
8 H. SPENCER, op. cit., 1904, vol. II, p. 11.
9 D. DUNCAN, op. cit., p. 546.
of thought; 10 and second, the emphasis on progressive adaptation as "increasing
adjustment of inner subjective relations to outer objective relations. . ."11 Mental phenomena are therefore
defined as "incidents of the correspondence between the organism and its
environment."12 It
would be difficult to overestimate the significance of this view for later psychological
work. As it was increasingly applied, psychology was progressively seen as a biological
science, and mental phenomena be came one albeit the most highly evolved
among the many functions of the organism which bring about adaptation to its physical and
social environment. For the present, there is only time to note that it significantly
influenced modern neurology, neurophysiology and psychoanalysis. Spencer's conception of
the mind as an adaptive function was also a crucial influence on the development of the
pragmatic philosophy and functional psychology of William James and John
Dewey. James said
that "few recent formulas have done more real service of a rough sort in psychology
than the Spencerian one that the essence of mental life and of bodily life are one,
namely, 'the adjustment of inner to outer relations"l3 Although he had grave
reservations about Spencer's speculative bent, James praised him lavishly for insisting
that "since mind and its environment have evolved together, they must be studied
There is, unfortunately, a very serious flaw in this rosy picture:
Spencer's life-long belief in the inheritance of acquired characteristics. Since the
1880s, the temptation to dismiss Spencer because of his advocacy of this erroneous
mechanism has overwhelmed most biologists, psychologists, and historians. l5 As a scientific judgement this is
unimpeachable, but it is not very enlightening for the historian, whose first duty is to
understand the past. Spencer could point triumphantly to Darwin's own writings to show
that he had allowed an increasing role for use-inheritance at the expense of natural
selection, just as Spencer had granted a role for natural selection in the early stages of
evolution. In the 1880s, Spen-
10 For a recent expression of a similar idea, although based on the
mechanism of natural selection, see H. J. BARR, "The Epistemology of Causality from
the Point of View of Evolutionary Biology", Philosophy of Science, 1964, 31,
pp. 286288.
11 H. SPENCER, op. cit., 1904, vol. II, p. 11.
12 H. SPENCER, The Principles of Psychology, London, Longmans,
1855, p. 584.
13 W, JAMES, The Principles of Psychology, New York, Holt, 1890,
vol. I, p. 6.
14 W. JAMES Memories and Studies, New York. Longmans, Green,
1924, pp. 139-140.
15 Spencers ethical theory has also suffered for this reason.
See: E. ALBEE, A History of English Utilitarianism (1901). Reprinted: New York,
Collier, 1962, Chs. 1315.
16 H. SPENCER, The factors of Organic Evolution, London,
Williams & Norgate, 1887.
cer was right to argue that on the evidence then available, this was a
matter of emphasis, and the relative weight to be attached to various factors was very
much an open question. 17 However, these mitigating circumstances cannot fully account for the immense weight which
Spencer attached to the role of use inheritance. He argued, for example, that it was the
chief factor in the evolution of civilised man.l8 Much more was at stake than a simple debate over a biological mechanism.
He prefaced his analysis of The Factors of Organic Evolution by pointing out that
while its direct bearings are biological, "it has indirect bearings upon Psychology,
Ethics and Sociology. My belief in the profound importance of these indirect bearings, was
originally a chief prompter to set forth the argument;... "19 He was convinced that the
evolution of complex mental phenomena was inexplicable unless one resorted to belief in
the inheritance of functionally-produced modifications. But, most important of all, he
could not bear to believe that institutions and circumstances do not affect a nation en
masse. 20 It was,
therefore, Spencer's belief in rapid social progress which most strongly influenced the
way he viewed the biological evidence. Lest we remember Spencer too unkindly, we should
recall that there have been more recent examples of this view, based on similar
convictions about the improvement of society, for example, the genetic theory of Lysenko
and Michurin.21 I
submit, therefore, that we should be sympathetic toward Spencer's so-called
"Lamarckianism", on the grounds that Victorian meliorism was too powerful a
presupposition for him to overcome. The idea of progress was at the heart of his life's
work, and we should attend to the heuri-
17 ibid., p. 75. It should be recalled here that A. R. Wallace
had also made exceptions of man's mind and brain and had attributed their evolution to
factors other than natural selection. See: "The Limits of Natural Selection as
Applied to Man" (1870); in.: A. R. WALLACE, Natural Selection and Tropical Nature, London, Macmillan, 1901, Ch. X.
18 H. SPENCER, op. cit., 1887, p. 74.
19 ibid., p. iii.
20 ibid., pp. iiiiv.
21 The social and political overtones of recent Soviet genetics provide
an excellent analogy for the point being made about Spencer. A statement by the Praesidium
of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences claimed in 1948 that Michurin's theory was the only
acceptable one, "because it is based on dialectical materialism and on the
revolutionary principle of changing Nature for the benefit of the people". (Quoted
in: A. E. E. MCKENZIE, The Major Achievements of Science, Cambridge 1960, vol. II,
p. 146). One might also point to the psychology of J. B. Watson and the conditioning
theory of Pavlov and his followers for other examples of the heavy stress which has been
laid on the potential benefits of environmental manipulation at the expense of the
biological evidence.
stic value of the "indirect bearings" of his evolutionism at
least as carefully as we do to his biological accuracy.
If we still want to fault Spencer's evolutionism, we can easily do so
on a number of counts. 22 Even so, the net effect of his influence leads one to reiterate the full text of Darwin's
cryptic statement of the most important consequence of his theory. You will recall the
sentence, "Light will be thrown on the origin of man and his history." In the
sixth edition the preceding sentences read as follows: "In the future I see open
fields for far more important researches. Psychology will be securely based on the
foundation already well laid by Mr. Herbert Spencer, that of the necessary acquirement of
each mental power and capacity by gradation."23
22 Examples: (1) Spencer's "universal principle" of the
instability of the homogenous is contradicted by the laws of thermodynamics. (2) His
theory of universal evolution was vagueness incarnate, and his deductive method and
penchant for framing universal principles have been deservedly ridiculed. (3) Finally, his
theory of psychological development by use-inheritance took too passive a view of
adaptation. Psychological theorists from James and Dewey to Thorndike, Watson and Skinner
drew heavily on Alexander Bain's conception of spontaneous activity as the first step in
learning process. Thus learning occurs as a result of the sensations suffered as a
consequence of initially random movements. It is not sensations passively suffered, but
those which follow from trial and error, which teach us. The result is that natural
selection is a more useful paradigm for modern learning theory than was Spencer's passive
"adjustment of inner to outer."
23 M. PECKHAM, (Ed.), The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin, a
Presented to XIe Internatrional Congress of the History of Science,
Warsaw, August 1965; published in Actes du XIe Congrès International d'Histoire des
Sciences. Warsaw: Ossolineum, 1967, vol. 2, pp. 273-78.
Copyright: The Author
Address for correspondence: 26 Freegrove Road, London N7 9RQ.